A place's absolute location is its exact place on Earth, often given in terms of latitude and longitude. For example, the Empire State Building is located at 40.7 degrees north (latitude), 74 degrees west (longitude). It sits at the intersection of 33rd Street and Fifth Avenue in New York City, New York.
In the U.K our national dish is curry, which comes from India.
Fish and Chips come from Belgium
Auld Lane Syne was originally a Caledonian Song.
Our Monarchs are German. They had to change their name from
Saxe-Coburg to Windsor in WW1 as they didn't want to be suspected
Of traitorous crimes against the British Empire.
Answer: water
For food digestion for humans we don’t use the sun, or warm temperatures, or transpiration.
We use water to help with digestions
Answer: water
The answer is; Wind
They drive atmospheric circulation. The sun does not heat the earth evenly. The parts that are heated up more form the low-pressure systems where air masses move in from high-pressure systems to form winds. These air masses are also deflected by Coriolis effect caused by earth’s rotation.