I narrowed it down some so its easier. You have 2 answer choices to choose from. (Process of elimination)
1. |B| She tells Marty that he brought joy and kindness to the dog. OR |C| She makes him a special supper with his favorite foods.
2. |B| He knows the deer would be to afraid of Judd's dogs to go inti the garden. OR |D| He sees the deer grazing before Judd shoots it.
3. |A| He knows Judd isn't honest and that he will try to say Marty was the one who killed the deer. OR |D|He's worried that the game warden will want to arrest him too.
4. |C| Feed his dogs. OR |D| Pick beans.
5. |D| He realizes that Judd Travers is a good person and that he misjudged him.
{Gave You That One As A Freebee}
The purpose of a conclusion is not a rote reiteration of the thesis and your arguments. A recap may help tie all your arguments together for the audience, especially in a long paper, but it is not enough. Just as you needed to interpret quoted material to ensure that your readers understood it the way you wanted them to, you need to interpret your arguments at the end of a paper to ensure that the audience will understand them in the same broader context that you do.
Ultimately, you want the conclusion to give your readers something extra to think about. And you want your own thoughts to stick with them long after they have finished reading the paper.