say green mango more in hindi
kuch mila
Anger at being treated like she is invisible.
A need to be part of decision making about her family's house.
A need to have a beautiful home.
This question refers to the story "The Revolt of Mother." In this question, we meet Sarah Penn, the "mother" of the story. She is upset because her husband promised her a new house many years ago, but he has not delivered. Moreover, he is choosing to spend the money on a new barn that Sarah does not consider necessary. Throughout the story, Sarah is angry about this decision. She is mad about the fact that her husband treats her as if she was invisible. She is also mad about not being part of the decision making process. Finally, she is also mad that the family seems unable to have a beautiful home.
Lilith, female figure of Jewish folklore, sometimes depicted as Adam's demonic first wife. There was a cult associated with Lilith that survived among some Jews as late as the 7th century CE. The evil she threatened, especially against children and women in childbirth, was said to be counteracted by the wearing of an amulet bearing the names of certain angels.
I am sorry if I get this answer wrong .I don't know if you are talking about jewish folkore or something else .
Most likely your answer is letter B