hich sentence expresses the ideas completely without any redundant words or phrases? A. Ferdinand Magellan's voyage to circle
around the world is described in the biography of his life. B. Ferdinand Magellan's voyage around the world is described in the biography of his life. C. Ferdinand Magellan's voyage to circle around the world is described in his biography. D. Ferdinand Magellan's voyage around the world is described in his biography.
Answer: D. Ferdinand Magellan's voyage around the world is described in his biography.
Explanation: Redundant words or phrases are words which doesn't add any new information to the sentence (pleonasm) or repeats the meaning of a word already written (tautology). For example:
In alternative A, the redundant are circle around and biography of his life; In B, biography of his life; And in C, the words are circle around.
So, the phrase that doens't have any redundant words is alternative D: Ferdinand Magellan's voyage around the world is described in his biography.
I say it is probably b because law is a list of rules to go by ladder don’t really know but pretty sure it doesn’t mean that I’m assuming it is b because we learned that a long time ago but don’t know if it the same meaning for you