Family = Famil<u>ies</u>
poppy = popp<u>ies</u>
speaker = speaker<u>s</u>
hero = hero<u>es</u>
ox = ox<u>en</u>
arch = arch<u>es</u>
loaf = loa<u>ves</u>
fungus = fun<u>gi</u>
cactus = cact<u>i</u>
horse = horse<u>s</u>
shelf = shel<u>ves</u>
easel = easel<u>s</u>
Holliday = holiday<u>s</u>
dragon = dragon<u>s</u>
dwarf = dwar<u>ves</u>
penny = penn<u>ies</u>
louse = lous<u>es</u>
fax = fax<u>es</u>
person =<u> </u><u>people</u>
nucleus = nucl<u>ei</u>
reflex = reflex<u>es</u>
party = part<u>ies</u>
appendix = appendix<u>es</u>
hoof = hoo<u>ves</u>
curriculum = curriculum<u>s</u>
syllabus = syllabus<u>es</u>
abyss = abyss<u>es</u>
bacterium = bacter<u>ia</u>
spy = sp<u>ies</u>
Answer: A - Emotional
Explanation: While the writing is also informative, it also invoked feelings of compassion.
They have a rhyme scheme of ABAB, CDCD, EFEF. The final two lines are a couplet and have the rhyme scheme GG. You can see the pattern with the last words of each line in the Shakespearean sonnet example noted above: A - sun.
The answer is d because she answered very gumpily, so that shows that she is sarcastic.