Saunf - سونف meanings in English are fennel, fennels, wennel, fennel seed, aniseed Saunf - سونف in English.
Dickinson would probably have been influenced by the people that she socialized with in her early years, the literature her father encouraged her to read, and news of the current events of her time. These factors would have shaped her views and the messages she wanted to communicate about life.<span>"The Soul selects her own Society"
Lines 1-12: Analyze the poem to determine its topic. What does the message of the poem seem to be? What evidence in the poem supports that interpretation?</span><span>The poem's title and first line—who the Soul, or inner part of an individual, chooses to spend time with.
The image of the Soul shutting the door [line 2] and keeping it shut even when chariots and an emperor wait outside her door [lines 5-8]</span><span>"The Soul selects her own </span>
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⚾ baseball is a special kind of ball from which can play games it is an interesting game played in many countries