Party bosses repressed political opposition to keep control of government.
if its an option
Answer: Christianity (31.5%)
Islam (23.2%)
Irreligious affiliation (16.3%)
Hinduism (15.0%)
Buddhism (7.1%)
Folk religions (5.9%)
Judaism (0.2%)
There are around 14 States that are present on the east coast of the United States which means the states considered lie around the Atlantic Ocean. The East Coast States have some very popular States in them like New York City.
Some of the East Coast States are named as Rhode Island, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Georgia, Florida, Connecticut, North and South Carolina, Massachusetts, Maine, Delaware and Virginia are included in them.
It would be "(A) Institution of a secret ballot" that was not part of the Populist Party’s platform, since the Populists were largely about transparency--both within government and big business.