Taira no Masakado was widely revered as a just man and came from a big family so he was a candidate well suited for position.
Masakado was born into an influential family and had grown up to be the leader of the legions of Samurai and a powerful landowner. His influence made him one of the most powerful and well revered men in the country.
He led the rebellion and was able to sustain it for a long time as his people were fiercely loyal to him to the end. When he was beginning his revolt, a vast swarm of butterflies came to Kyoto and surrounded him, as if to show that he will be victorious in the upcoming battle.
He was later deified for his efforts.
Farmers faced Native American raids, poor growing conditions, droughts, disease, insects, and anything that would give farmers a hard time now. Farmers had to pay higher prices for transportation which caused less profit - crops prices fell which also caused less profit. The government issued greenbacks then retired them, causing an increase in the value of money in the circulation.
Europeans competed for power either through acquisition of colonies or building up its industries. When their industries were strong, they would strengthen their armies as well. If that was not enough they would form alliances with other countries to protect their interest.