Colonization of Sub-Saharan areas of Africa caused many more evils than it did good. The longest standing effect is that tribes and people were split into states regardless of their ethnic origin so entire tribes were split involuntarily across the continent which still causes problems in modern society. In the short run, it enabled many things like slavery to prosper or exploitation of goods. Some even treated African states as their own personal property so genocides were a common thing and many wars were fought over this kind of behavior. In South Africa, we saw the apartheid as an effect of colonization which exited until recent times. Expand that to fit the size of your essay.
The father of modern Russia taxed
wearers of these in the year 1706 in which the only orthodox clergy was
exempted from having this to be taxed, and the one that is being taxed to other
people is the beard. It is because the father of modern Russia wanted to
imitate the European men by not having to wear beards in a way of having to
modernized Russia, so he imposed a taxed to those men who wore their beards.