The bush administration helped bring about the collapse of the Sovien Union by supporting Gorbachev 's Reforms.
First of all Former president George H. W. Bush and his administration managed to help the collapse of the Soviet Union by understanding the idea of Gorbachev, looking for a channel of dialogue between both powers and then agreeing on a collaboration between both that lead to the disintegration of the Soviet Union.
Former President George H. W. Bush administration saw value in the policy reform of Gorbachev and he said he was taking the Soviet Union in the best way. They saw the decentralization of the Soviet Economy as a good step for the Soviet Union, but it failed. After that, the Soviet Union looked for Bush administration support, but they refused to bail out their mistakes. So, the different governors of the Soviet Union started to mobilize for independence, leading to its collapse.
President Bush established a good relation with Gorbachev at the Malta summit in 1989 and the U.S. did help small states of the Soviet Union, but they didn't help Gorbachev to keep things in control for the Soviet Union. So basically, President Bush supported Gorbachev by expressing that he was taking the best path for the Soviet Union, but didn't save it from the bad administration Gorbachev performed.