18.9 inches. it's half a meter, DANG.
also what freaking assignment is this LOL
It extended voting and other civil rights to black males, established an integrated, free public school system, and guaranteed blacks equal access to public accommodations. The 1868 constitution was also the first one in Louisiana to provide a formal bill of rights.
One of the advantages was that the old mom & pop stores were no longer practical, because the corporations were more convenient. You didn't have to ride around to go to seven stores anymore, you would just go to the big-block store and get everything you needed there. Furthermore, corporations provided a large amount of unskilled jobs - previously, the largest part of the "American dream" was to go and start your own business, farm, etc., but now you could go get a job at a factory or supermarket, so the job market was diversified. Those are just two, but I'm sure you can think of more!
Africa is in the Southern Hemisphere and the Eastern Hamisphere
All of them do that but it is mostly in the new testamet