A. They have tended to spread out more in rural areas
They are just settling down and new and most times with less cash.
The Choctaw people believed that two hunters help an hungry woman standing on a mound by giving her a measly hawk which was their day's catch. The woman repaid their kindness by disappearing into a corn on the mound and thereby blessing them.
The Mayan people believed that humans were created from maize, after two unsuccessful attempts to create humans out of mud or wood.
To reatreat or sunrender when they get one killed
Grocery Stores because people can buy organic materials.
clothing made in a multitude of countries competing with the US
formation of the European Union
China and India becoming superpowers
A Multipolar World would mean the various differences in thoughts and ideas regarding anything in particular which different people across the world might be having. It can also be used to signify the various lines on which the populace of the world can be divided regarding one single topic.
“A multipolar world of diversity and creativity among cultures, nations, and economies—is the world we believe we can build, one that will enrich our lives, and thrives on habits of peace and creative competition,”-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright
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--__ "--_____--" __-- Hope this helps -Tom