The Crusades
With the Seijuk Turks of central Asia bearing down on Constantinople, Emperor Alexius I turned to the West for help, resulting in the declaration of “holy war” by Pope Urban II at Clermont, France, that began the First Crusade
Illinois is the rise and fall of industries that affects the whole industry and over time finding new oil is always tough
The Arabs
The Byzantine Arab wars were some of the longest lasting in history. They mostly pitted Arab Muslims against Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire between the 7th and 11th centuries AD. The wars started during the initial Muslim conquests
That city was Seattle, Washington.
Germany sent a coded message (aka Zimmerman Telegram) to Mexico proposing an alliance between Germany and Mexico. Germany suggested Mexico reclaim it's former territory by going to war with the United States, thus distracting them from the World War. President of the United States Woodrow Wilson got his hands on this telegram and joined the Triple Entente in the war weeks later.