To be malnourished means to lack proper nutrients that keep you healthy say a person likes fast food and eats only fries for a long period of time they will lack nutrients and get sick which is the bodies way of saying you need to eat a variety of food.
1. It means to have the charatersitcs of life which is the ability to reporoduce as a species, ability to adapty, use energy, homeostasis, have the ability to grow and develope, and use or give off some sort of energy.
A. Living
B. Non-living
C. The fungi on athletes foot is living.
D. Non-living considered a virus (needs a host to be living)
Answer: The key areas of controversy related to genetically modified food (GM food or GMO food) are whether such food should be labeled, the role of government regulators, the objectivity of scientific research and publication, the effect of genetically modified crops on health and the environment, the effect on pesticide ..
Explanation: have a good day!
C: A solid metal ball in the middle of a pool of liquid.
Since the student is studying the earth, the core area is made up of a solid metal ball in the middle of a pool of a liquid.
- The core is the inner most part of the earth.
- It exists in the middle of the earth.
- The core is divide into two layers; inner core and outer core.
- The inner core is a solid ball of metal.
- The outer core is a liquid metal under high temperature and pressure.
Yes, man has been curious about the world and his existence since the beginning, Due to this curiosity, man has always tried to solve the mystery of life. With the passage of time, the observation and discoveries of man led him to reach to all the modern advances which can be seen today in the world. Today, man has a better knowledge about his existence and the existence of life on Earth. Although a lot has yet to be discovered but we have been able to solve a lot of the mystery of the earth.