-Private company has mininmum 1 and maximum 101 member.
Public company has minimum 7 member and maximum is bounded by its share capital.
-Private company is smaller than the public companies by the no.of capital.
Public company is larger than private company and spread in different place.
-Private company uses the term Private limited after its name.
Public company uses the term Limited after its name.
-Examples of Private company are: Asmita Book Publication and Karunanidhi Education Foundation
Examples of Public company are:Nepal oil corporation and Nepal electricity Authority.
In simple words, competition refers to the tendency of two or more parties to perform better than one another for the sake of own personal benefits. In business, competition can be done from various perspectives like price or quality.
In the given case, Jeff has been producing at a lower cost but despite of earning high profits he is willing to sell for lower prices with the motive of competing in the market and gaining higher market share.
Negative disconfirmation of expectations occurs when a product's performance is below expectations and the consumer is dissatisfied. This can occur for a large number of reasons , including wrong target market, beter competition, and even bad pricing strategy or some of the many possible reasons. This disconfirmation is negative, which is posited to decrease post-purchase or post-adoption satisfaction