1. Puerto Rico ESTA en el mar Caribe.
2. José ESTA enfermo.
3. Yo ESTOY enojado(a).
6–7. —¿De dónde ERES tú?
8–9. —¿Dónde ESTAS (tú) ahora?
—Ahora ESTOY en la escuela.
10–11. —¿Dónde ESTA tu casa?
—Mi casa ESTA en MIAMI
12–13. —¿Cómo ESTAS (tú) hoy?
—ESTOY bien, gracias.
14–15. —¿Cómo ES tu amigo?
—EL ES muy simpático.
1. Ilogico
2. Logico
3. Logico
4. Logico
5. Ilogico
Translated quesitons and answers :)
1. "Medical examinations are prohibited in this hospital." logical--------> illogical
2. "This morning my hand broke, I had to cancel all appointments this week." logical <--------- illogical
3. "Medicine is needed because there are sick patients." illogical ---------> logic
4. "X-rays are given in my office." logical <--------- illogical
5. "A nurse dropped some bottles, so the patient took off his shoes." logical --------> illogical
I am fluent in Spanish, so if you need anymore help, just let me know :)
I hope this helps!