How old was Rigoberta Menchú when she learned Spanish? To which ethnic group did Rigoberta Menchú belong? How does Rigoberta Menchu describe her parents? At the beginning of Part Two, what happens to Rigoberta's father? Where did Rigoberta Menchu's family live and what did they grow on their land? write in complete sentences the answers in the form of a short essay (10 pts.) What were (2) obstacles that Rigoberta's father had to overcome. Respond with examples from the reading (2 pts.) What are (2) of the agricultural products mentioned in the text? (2 Pts.) Write (1) incident event that impacted you. Explain why it affected you. (2 pts.) Write one (1) of the themes that appear in Menchú's work and support your answer with a specific example from the reading. (2. Rigoberta Menchủa Guatemalan peasant woman won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1992 for her political work on behalf of her people. She mentions (2) obstacles that Rigoberta overcame to excel as she has done in her life (Pts.)
La moneda de Chile es el peso chileno. Bernardo O'Higgins fue un militar y héroe nacional de Chile. Los exploradores holandeses descubrieron la isla de Pascua. Desde los observatorios chilenos de los Andes, los científicos estudian las estrellas. La producción de vino es una parte importante de la actividad agrícola de Chile. El país al este de Chile es Argentina.
Our hotel is very popular with the best-known people in the world. All the famous select answer likes to spend at least a week here. We have political clients, like President Obama. He selects to dance at the disco all night. But he's not the only political client. President Clinton visits too. He does not select answer likes to dance in the disco, as he prefers to practice sports. For example, Bill select answer likes to play tennis. I select answer like political clients, but I prefer movie stars. They select answer like to do many fun activities with me. For example, Angelina Jolie and me select answer like horseback riding, biking, inline skating and fishing.