The first inventions that harness natural energy resource is Water mill. Back then, people use the power of water to move the lever in order to create mechanical movement.
The invention that help transfer water from river to town is aqueduct. Or more commonly knwon as water bridgte, useful to navigate the movement of water.
Lever is the invention that makes lifting weight easier, mostly used in contruction sites.
Nowaday they hangin' us by a different tree
Branches of the government, I can name all three
Judicial, legislative and executive
Lock your pops away, your moms, then next the kids
It's all consecutive, I'm just tryna break the cycle
I wonder if I'll do it all before they take my life, yo
it's a pro era song
When they found the Americas they were interested because they found new land. The Europeans wanted to find the seven cities of gold and the fountain of youth. They also wanted to find new trading routes. One of the major reasons was to find spices that they crave for drying their meats.