Answer: What is expected to happen is that the secondary immune system acts immediately against the virus.
When a virus first enters our body, in order to defend itself, the body must first recognize what the antigen is in order to fight it through <u>antibodies</u>. Once it does it will keep a memory of it that it can use if this virus enters the body again. <u>This will be done through the secondary immune system</u>.
As the body already recognizes the antigen, it knows how to fight it immediately, generating a thousand times the amount of antibodies generated the first time.
Thanks to its memory cells, the virus will remain much less time in the body.
Kristin's answer is the best.
It is the only correct answer.
The reason why Dr Naskrecki thinks he suspects there are so many more than the 2,829 species they have already identified living in the park is because there are many species that has been identified in the world because humans haven’t gotten to most parts of the earth which makes it a lot undiscoverable.
Another one is that the species multiply rapidly and easily.
Hyperkeratosis is amy lesion with overgrowth and thickening of the skin, such as warts, calluses, and corns.
Mass is what you would measure in kilograms