The theme of Christina Georgina Rossetti's poem "Helen Grey" is, beauty isn't everything. We know this to be true because the Rossetti describes Helen Grey as "handsome" and "proud" but also says "But so you miss that modest charm / Which is the surest charm of all." This shows the reader that Helen Grey is very attractive and takes pride in her attraction. However, she has let her beauty go to her head, resulting in an unpleasant personality that no man has found her attractive. The last four lines of the poem "Helen Grey" support the its main theme by drawing the reader's attention to the reality of age and time. Time will continue to go by causing Helen to grow old, wrinkly, and gray. Time will pass and with it, Helen's beauty shall pass too. If she does not change her ways, she will be left with and unattractive personality, and face.
Beethoven's Eroica.
1st movement - Beethoven played his own composition and some improvised works of other composers. This is his way of gaining attention from the public. His music represented extreme emotions from tragic to wildly exhilirating.
2nd movement - named the "Funeral March" represented the massive state funerals that had been happening in Paris during those times.
3rd movement - represented Beethoven's views and hopes for the future. His music exuded his confidence as he finished looking back and started looking forward to a brighter future for himself and for his music.
4th movement - represents the sum total of a person's life. Wherein every day things take up new meaning and is being valued more that it was valued before.
The Petrarchan sonnet, perfected by the Italian poet Petrarch, divides the 14 lines into two sections: an eight-line stanza (octave) rhyming ABBAABBA, and a six-line stanza (sestet) rhyming CDCDCD or CDECDE.
A good word choice i would guess that it would be small and a hermet because they love living alone in their cottages
Hmmmmmmmmmm let's see. have you tried bleach?