Christian access was denied and the Holy Sepulcher despoiled
After the Seljuk Turks secured Jerusalem from the Egyptians in 1071, as well as defeating Byzantine Emperor Romanus IV they denied access to Christian and despoiled the Holy Sepulcher. (church in the Christian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. ) later on in the 11th century (1000-1100) Byzantine Emperor Alexius I requested from the west for military aid. Odo of Châtillon otherwise known as Pope Urban II, argued for the recapture and rebuilding of the Holy Sepulcher… which inspired what is known today as the First Crusade.
that people shuld have rights and that no one should be above the law
john Locke was against high taxes and government tyranny
The United States menifested its destiny by trying to expand from coast to coast. But first the americans have to kick out the native americans because the native americans are in there land and is blocking there way to menifest.
So your answer would be <span>acquired all the land between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans</span>
The answer is C. Americans thought if they found the land, they were by God's will to take it.
All of the above
Many people in and around the building like firefighters and regular people got sickness from the smoke.
Airspace over the US and Canada were shut down by leaders of both countries.
The stock market also closed in fear of cyberattacks. Answer to the question is D.