<u>Spatial context tries to show the minimized idea of the whole world, and how the processes happening on it are organized and occurring.</u> It studies statistics, dynamic context, and internal elements to get the full picture. This means studying all the factors – maps, images, satellite shots, etc.
<u>The end result should be the explanation of the connection and relation of people with the environment</u>. It tries to explain human behavior through all the factors and offers a systematic analysis of the patterns.
<em>The Minerals Management Service (MMS)</em>
In 2010 Deepwater Horizon project exploded and killed 11 people causing also the largest oil spill in US history.
The MMS was the federal agency responsible for overseeing offshore drilling, however, they had received financial favors (bribes) from oil companies and had a severe conflict of interest, they ignored science and underestimated environmental impacts in order to ensure the speedy approval of oil industry projects among other acts of negligence. The MMS was in part responsible for this event, or at the very least for not handling correctly.
is USA
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Answer: Religion.
If you google the reason for the conflicts in Southwest Asia you find a variety of answers. I found this to be the most clearly written:
The conflicts are caused by people who are fighting for religion, land and natural resources. What I mean by people fighting over land is some say that god gave them that land and people are still trying to claim it. With there natural resources such as oil, gas and etc. they want it in order to make money. And to become a better military force. With religion, they fight by saying that there religion is right and the other religion is wrong. We could help by learning about each other religions and explaining it to others. With the land we could as the US let them handle it and not let them caught up in their conflict. In regard of other countries military's we need to be watchful of what they are doing and not step them unless its nessarcry. It is important to learn about their culture. Because to be better prepare in case of war and knowing who you are fighting against.