This is an example of a "harm reduction model".
The idea of 'harm reduction' alludes to an arrangement of approaches, projects, and practices that expect to lessen the wellbeing, social, and financial outcomes of medication and liquor manhandle.
Basically, harm reduction recognizes that totally going without drugs isn't a sensible answer for everybody and that numerous individuals overall utilize medications and liquor despite the solid endeavors of different associations and governments to advance aggregate forbearance.
Good Morning! One possibility of a flyer that South African athletes would have received in order to have more security in Rio de Janeiro during the Olympics could include:
1. Beware of walking with valuables by the shores of the beaches of Rio de Janeiro: many thieves are observing this type of movement for a robbery opportunity.
2. Do not leave the Olympic Park without informing your exit: in case you are facing any problems, it is important that we know where you went and what route you did.
3. Do not provide drinks or food provided by strangers: many cases of insertion of <span>drugs </span>in food and drink occur every year.
4. Maintain a dependable routine: Do not venture without knowing the ways you are going to get involved. Hugs!
The correct answer is strategy
Explanation: It is important to take steps to recognize possible causes of turnover
Treating all rival or disputants fair and nice
A direct democracy is when citizens participate in making political decisions. A representative democracy is when the citizens hold the sovereign power but, political power is exercised indirectly through elected representatives.