The Answer is The 1840s and 1850s of the United States saw many Chinese immigrants leaving their homeland to come to America, specifically California. Although it was technically illegal for anyone to leave China, many did. The bad conditions of China forced many of its people out. The Opium Wars that began in 1839 resulted in much violence between the British and Chinese forces; many violent feuds occurred in Chinese communities. The government of the Qing dynasty was not strong enough to suppress the civil wars of the Chinese communities or the British, so there was very little federal control of China. Also, the Chinese population had doubled in size in the past 80 years, and it was hard to find land. China was unable to produce enough food (RICE) for its people, and so, severe famines took place during this time. Finally Chinese immigration was initially welcomed into California. The Chinese population in the west grew rapidly as more immigrants were attracted to the prospect of gold in the California Gold Rush. Americans saw Chinese laborers as a key to solving a shortage of workers to cultivate land.
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