I cannot see this cartoon but based on your description i would say that one theme would be that Reagan and Gorbachev did not get along well as two world leaders
The political cicumstances around the latin revolutions against the European colonies reminded most American leaders of the American Revolution. As a result they supported these struggles.
He had a different religion than them
America in the 1920s was a prosperous nation. Savings during the decade quadrupled.1 A “housing boom” enabled millions of Americans to own their own home. By 1924, about eleven million families were homeowners. Automobiles, electricity, radio, and mass advertising became increasingly influential in the lives of average Americans. Automobiles, once a luxury for rich Americans, now gave industrial workers and farmers much greater mobility. Electricity put an end to much of the backbreaking work in the American home. Electric refrigerators, irons, stoves, and washing machines eventually became “widespread.2 On the farm, electric tools such as electric saws, pumps, and grinders made farmers more productive. By 1922, radios were common sources of news and entertainment for American families. With improvements in transportation and communication came increases in the mass advertising industry. In addition to all of this, corporations increasingly offered workers fringe benefits and stock-sharing opportunities.3
Im not fully educated on it so i'm not 100% sure that Islam is a religion for me