"this paper looks to me as if it knew what a vicious influence it had"
The Delian League was formed to continue fighting the Persian Empire after Persia's invasions were finally defeated. .Those city-states who did not want to continue fighting Persia formed the Peloponnesian League, lead by Sparta. Under the Athenian leader Pericles, Athens began taking control of the Delian League.
The Massachusetts Bay Colony. In England<span>, the </span>Puritans<span> were a religious </span>group<span>. They </span>wanted<span> to change the </span>Church of England<span>. They did not </span>want to separate from the Church<span> like the Pilgrims.</span>
The Supremacy Clause forms the root of the aspect of "federalism" within the country's government system, since it means that although power is shared between the federal government and the states, the federal government reigns supreme