a.corporate profits and personal incomes
After being appointed by the then US president, Warren G. Harding, T. Mellon was tasked with reducing the large federal debt accumulated as a result of World War I. Hence, in his bid to achieve the aim, he increased revenue by lowering tax rates so a s to boost the economic activity as well as increasing overall tax revenue by encouraging more people to actually pay their taxes.
His then successfully cut taxes across the board both corporate and personal income tax, which was finally enacted by Congress in the Revenue Acts of 1921, 1924, and 1926.
In turn, the top marginal tax rate fell from 73 percent in 1922 to 24 percent in 1929.
The best answer to your question: What was one significant accomplishment of the Hoover administration during his first year in office, would be, B: Creation of a federal agricultural program to regulate farm prices.
Herbert Hoover became the 31st president of the United States right when the country, and the world, was on the verge of a major financial crisis; the Great Depression. Although Hoover attempted several policies to try and help change the situation, both his conservative views on government interventionism, and other factors, prevented these policies from having the desired effect. Among the many areas of American life in which Hoover attempted to help with his policies, was the agricultural field. As such, in 1929 he signed into law the Agricultural Maketing Act, and established with it the Federal Farm Board, which attempted to stabilize prices through cooperatives and corporations, ensure the proper sale of American agricultural products and also ensure the buying of the surplus production by the federal government to help with the stabilization of prices. This is why the answer is B.
Describing the problem is the first step in the basic structure
of a persuasive speech.
Answer: Es cuestion de ser mas abierto y no tener miedo a ser como eres
Explanation: Hacer amigos es facil. Muchas personas pueden a veces tener este problema ya que tienen miedo de lo que los demas puedan pensar de su persona, pero en realidad muchas veces es solo producto de la imaginacion de esta.
Si quieres hacer amigos lo primero es sentirte en total comodidas con quien tu eres. Recuerda que eres alguien que tiene valor y que tiene cosas para aportar al igual que los demas. Segundo, habla con personas por los diferentes medios sociales, no tengas miedo de dar una opinion sobre algo que alguien dice ya que esto se puede convertir en el hilo de una conversacion y generar cierto enganche que conlleve a una amistad.
Y por ultimo, diviertete. Hacer amigos es algo que sale de forma natural, fluye con el momento y no te cierres.