Life in the Middle Ages was rather strictly centered around something of a caste system. A clear hierarchy existed, a pyramid of sorts with royalty at the top and peasants, comprising the bulk of the population, at the bottom. Between the peasants and royalty, however, were well-regarded, privileged and elite families known as nobles or lords.
The nobles’ place in society was essentially to function as middle-men between the peasants and the royal family. Nobles provided work, land, and protection to the peasants while providing funding, supplies, and military service to the king.
Noble life was far from the ordinary life of the time. Most people were peasants, and, under the feudal system of the era, were beholden to and in debt to the nobles for whom they worked. Nobles, on the other hand, had lives focused much more around military strategy, financial obligations and responsibilities, and social affairs.
Becoming a member of the noble class was either a hereditary birthright—the so-called “blue bloods”—or an honorarium bestowed by royalty in appreciation for service or loyalty. Successful military conquests and strong displays of skill, performance, and loyalty could lead to the social and economic elevation of an entire family. The nobles themselves had regal-sounding titles given them by royalty, such as Duke, Count, and Lord.
Noblemen and Noblewomen
Noblemen balanced an interesting combination of activities and responsibilities in their daily lives. They performed necessary managerial tasks on their lands and with the peasants in their employ, collected and raised funding for military expeditions and social events, practiced horseback riding, hunting, and hawking, and met any additional obligations set upon them by their own masters.
Noblemen were also expected to become well-versed in the art of warfare, not only becoming excellent fighters but learning and analyzing military strategy as well. As such, a significant amount of a nobleman’s time each day when he was at home was dedicated to the arts of war and combat. In times of strife, noblemen were not only expected to fight for their king, but also to provide a certain number of highly trained knights and other fighters to aid in the mission.
Noblewomen lived lives dedicated largely to the management and cultivation of social opportunities and status. Noblewomen lived in large homes with luxurious comforts, but had help, most notably ladies-in-waiting, who performed the more menial tasks of household management.
Nobles of the Middle Ages, like everyone else at the time, had limited access to education, books, or cultural opportunities, meaning women with little housework or manual labor to perform had few options for pursuing engaging leisure hobbies. Instead, they spent a great deal of time planning events, keeping up-to-date on the happenings of other local families, and ensuring the family was held in high regard throughout the community.
Given that Direct Democracy and is a form of government in which the decisions or policies are decided by the generality of the people directly. An example is an Athenian Democracy in which people vote directly instead of nominating representatives to vote the final decision for them.
Hence, in this case where any voting citizen may vote on new laws. It is a form of DIRECT DEMOCRACY
1.)Systematic agriculture refers to any type of agriculture that is done purposefully and orderly. 2.)Specialization allowed the Neolithic people to build such monuments as Newgrange in Bru Na Boinne, Ireland. 3.)The Agricultural Revolution was a period of technological improvement and increased crop productivity that occurred during the 18th and early 19th centuries in Europe. 4.)The crops were sold to other people and they paid the farmers so the crops are a big part of the economy. 5.)Advantages: Having a better school ,having more friends Disadvantages: pollution and more congestion. 6.)the assyrian empire and yhe sumerian empire. 7.)Tell your group that areas around water are plentiful and that a river valley would be a good place to settle. HOPE I HELPED