<span>The spirit of improvement is part of the foundation of the type of personality of those who are innovators, inventors, and those who took part in the industrial revolution. The basic concept of wanting to improve upon ways to accomplish tasks is essential in the forward momentum, knowledge acquisition, and the improvement if society. Going all the way back to when humans had to hunt for survival, the spirit of improvement lead to the development of the spear over the club, the arrow over the spear, the hunting rifle over the arrow and so on and so forth. By improving on concepts and ideas we move society and humans forward. When it came to the industrial revolution, the spirit of innovation led to things like the assembly line which revolutionized the speed at which products were developed. The spirit of improvement was an essential component of the industrial revolution because without the desire to improve our lives we would still be hunting with clubs.</span>
In 1973, OPEC created a major oil crisis in Western European nations and the United States by declaring an embargo against them. The shortage of fuel disrupted businesses and limited the use of cars and other vehicles.
This examples shows interdependence because the US economy was negatively effected by the economic sanctions placed on them by countries who were part of OPEC. This resulted in long gas lines in the US, as well as limits on how much gas individuals could buy at one time.
The counterculture movement, from the early 1960s through the 1970s, categorized a group of people known as "hippies" who opposed the war in Vietnam, commercialism and overall establishment of societal norms. Those included in this movement sought a happier and more peaceful life and often did so by experimenting with marijuana and LSD.
The music choice of the counterculture movement stemmed from the anti-establishment aspects of psychedelic rock. During the counterculture movement, attendance at psychedilic rock shows exploded in numbers. Psychedelic rock shows began to become more elaborate as the number of atendees increased. Hippie fashion was often present at these shows.
One of the most memorable music festivals during this time was the Woodstock Music and Art Festival. This highly disorganized three-day-long concert was the epitome of counterculture--from the clothes attendees wore to the anti-war messages performed by the singers.
Much of hippie fashion came from their opposition to commercialism. Most of the clothing that hippies wore was not purchased from major stores, but instead from yard sales or flea markets. Their fashion choices distinguished them from the rest of society because they wore bright colors and things that others would not wear. Their fashion was often a statement of who they were and what they believed.
The counterculture movement largely was in support of the antiwar movement. They organized protests while brandishing signs promoting peace, love, and drugs. Burning draft cards were also a symbol of the movement and became iconic of the anti-war movement.