State regulation State governments are the primary regulatory entities of the real estate business. State governments establish real estate license laws and qualifications
A simple definition of real estate is that it is air, water, land, and everything
affixed to the land. Real estate in the United States may be owned privately by
individuals and private entities or publicly by government entities. Private
ownership rights in this country are not absolute. The government can impose
taxes and restrictions on private ownership rights, and it can take private
property away altogether. In addition, other private parties can exert their rights
and interests on one's real property. A bank, for example, can take a property if
the owner fails to pay a mortgage. A neighbor can claim the right to walk across
one's property whether the owner likes it or not, provided he or she has done so
for a certain number of years.
In attempting to define real estate, it is essential to understand what rights and
interests parties have in a parcel of real estate. And to understand real estate
rights and interests, one must first recognize the distinctions between:
land and real estate
real estate and property
real property and persnal pro[perty