2.are ectotherms
4. lay eggs
5. have a three-chambered heart
they my corrected answers
Photosynthetic plants use carbon dioxide to generate and function. Plants need energy (glucose) to survive. They exist to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. One of their end products is oxygen. Animals take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide while the plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. This is balance.
Answer: The correct answer is rRNA and protein.
Ribosome is a cell organelle present in the cytoplasm of all living cells. It is a site of protein synthesis in all type of cells. It is made up of two sub-units namely, small sub-unit and large sub-unit.
Both the sub-units are formed by rRNA (ribosomal RNA) and associated proteins. rRNA is ribozyme, that is, it is a ribonucleic acid with catalytic ability. The protein component helps in providing the structure to the ribosome.
Different type of the same procedure that takes the place of the kidneys and cleans the blood are mutually all known as osmoregulation.
Along with kidney there are other organs which helps the body to purify blood. These organs are lungs which exchanges carbon dioxide with oxygen and skin which helps in excreting the extra salt concentration from the body. In invertebrate animals the kidney is not present but osmoregulation takes place with the help of organelles and organs like vacuoles, nephridia, antennal glands, salt glands and malpighian tubules.