may indicate that a woman's ovaries are beginning to fail is Low levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
Further explanation </h2>
The reproductive hormone FSH is produced in the pituitary gland, which is a gland in the brain the size of a pea. This hormone has an important role in a person's sexual development. In addition to affecting physical changes when entering puberty, the FSH hormone in women also has a role in the process of egg formation in the ovaries and also controls the menstrual cycle.
Many factors affect production can be sufficient or excess production of this FSH hormone. High FSH levels in women can cause infertility.
The function of FSH reproductive hormones
1. Control the Menstrual Cycle
2. Controlling Basal Gonadotropin
3. Controlling Ovulation
4. In conjunction with the luteinizing hormone, it controls estrogen secretion from the ovarian phallicles.
How does the FSH hormone work?
LH stimulates the production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone in the ovaries. LH waves in the mid-menstrual cycle are responsible for ovulation, and LH secretion continues to then stimulate the corpus luteum to produce FSH to work properly.
Whereas if in men this hormone has a fixed or constant amount that serves to help control the amount of sperm production. Therefore, knowing the level of the hormone FSH can provide information on whether female or male sex organs are functioning properly or not.
<h3>Learn More :</h3>
FSH Hormone,
Class: Senior High.
Subject: Biology.
Keywords: Woman, FSH , Hormone