A motif of two or more letters, typically a person's initials, usually interwoven or otherwise combined in a decorative design, used as a logo or to identify a personal possession.
The arts should be funded because it is a viable career choice, interest, and vital to the development and balance of school-aged people. In our society, it is imperative to be good at math and science to advance in school, but if you aren’t good at music or other mediums of art, then it’s not counted against you. The arts should be heavily funded and be considered as equally important as core classes.
Dynamics-The variation of loudness and softness in a music piece. Examples are ff, p, mf, mp. Pitch is how the note is played, if it is flat or sharp. Form is the appearance, texture is how the note is being played (tongued, played softly etc) harmony is when notes fit together to harmonize.
the staff line that represents the note F.