Teotihuacan is an ancient Mesoamerican city located northeast of modern day Mexico city .It means 'city where gods were born' as the inhabitants believe that it is where the gods had gathered to create the sun and moon. Their primary deity is called by the scholars the 'Spider Woman'. The city became the epicenter of comerce for ancient Mesoamerica. Little is known about its builder's their name, religious belief or their language. If you will notice, every art started after the forming a religion, which formed their oldest architectures; Pyramid of the sun (200 CE) and Pyramid of the moon---which was used to human sacrifices.
d. All of the above
The pre-production is the moment when every part of the project is designed. So, a director, a choreographer, a designer, anyway, every professional involved in the project will have the opportunity to share his ideas, to understand the main focus of the project, to create a schedule and plan all the stages of the project and obtain a result in the end.
The answer is false. Laertes
was angry that that Hamlet killed Polonius.
His anger grows after Ophelia dies from drowning. He conspires with King Claudius to have
Hamlet killed in a sword match but when both are poisoned by their blades
Laertes reconciles with Hamlet before dying.
Debbie Gibson played the part of Eponine in the Les Miserables musical broadway in 1992. The Les Miserables is an adaptation of a historical novel with the same title written by Victor Hugo and published in 1862. This novel told about several characters life in French in the 1800 era. The Les Miserables musical broadway is Debbie Gibson debut in her musical career and now she already played several musical broadways and made several albums<span>.</span>
In 1922, archaeologists discovered the tomb of a pharaoh known as King Tutankhaten (too-tan-KAH-tin), or King Tut.<span> Inside a small burial chamber, they found three coffins nested inside each other.</span><span> The smallest coffin was made of solid gold.</span><span> It held the king's mummy.</span><span> (A mummy is a body that has been preserved after death to keep it from decaying.</span>) On the mummy's head was a magnificent golden mask.<span> Jewelry and good luck charms lay on the mummy and in the wrappings that protected it.</span><span> Other rooms of the tomb were filled with statues, weapons, furniture, and even a chariot.</span>
The treasures in King Tut's tomb provided an amazing glimpse into ancient Egypt.Other pharaohs also left behind fabulous riches and artwork.<span> Many of these pharaohs had great monuments built to celebrate their lives and their accomplishments.</span><span> Like King Tut's tomb, these artifacts have much to teach us about this ancient civilization.</span>