Puerto Rico is represented by it's political parties, which stand for three distinct future political scenarios: the status quo (commonwealth), statehood, and independence.
1. El sábado iré de compras al supermercado con mi madre.
2. El sábado le contare a mi hermano como estuvo mi semana.
3. El sábado le voy a explicar a mi prima la tarea de matemáticas.
4. El domingo iré a darle un abrazo a mis abuelos.
5. El domingo le daré un helado a mi hermana.
6. El domingo completare mis tareas para las clases de la semana.
having as reference the verbs indicated for the realization of the sentences. They are combined in future time as requested in the guidelines, taking into account the narrator and the time that should be indicated for the good conjugation within the sentence and that these have concordance with what is being expressed.
Ella está bailando flamenco.
esquiar= to ski.
therefore, "esquiar" needs snow.
nadar=to swim
dibujar= to draw
correr= to run.
B. esquiar