James Madison was the 4th president
during fighting time captain of british will to capture for selling element like gold copperetc
Once in the Americas, slaves were sold, by auction, to the person that bid the most money for them. ... When the slave ship docked, the slaves would be taken off the ship and placed in a pen like this one. There they would be washed and their skin covered with grease, or sometimes tar, to make them look more healthy.
The 19th amendment was passed in 1919 and ratified in 1920; this means American women could actually vote starting 1920 even though the bill was passed in 1919. You had to be 21 years old to vote.
Answer: prevent decisions based on the pressures of maintaining elected office
Explanation: The Supreme court is the judicial branch of the federal government and the highest court in the country. It has jurisdiction over all federal & state courts. The
main purpose of the Supreme court is to interpret the law and defend the Constitution. Often they must hear the cases of lower federal courts and ensure that laws follow the Constitution.
Supreme Court justices have life tenure, which means that they serve until they die, resign or retire, unless they are impeached and removed from office by the Senate for wrongful behaviour. The purpose of this life tenure is to make certain the highest court of the country decide cases based on merit, and not have to worry about the pressure associated with elected office.