the American Indians
they were forced to move away from the railroad despite it running through Indian Territory. The workers often killed buffalo for meat, and the track itself disrupted the Plains Indian's buffalo hunting.
Although science has come a long way in this regard, burials still often cannot reveal when the deceased person died, or even when exactly he or she lived. It also cannot tell much about the person's true beliefs, although it may give clues as to the profession or religion of the deceased.
What the burial can or cannot tell depends significantly on the age, complexity, and preservation of the burial itself, but generally there is a great deal that a burial cannot tell historians.
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Gridlock is also called political stalemate, it is a situation when there is difficulty in passing a laws if it doesn't satisfy the needs of the people.
Grid lock occurs due to the filibuster rule, according to it there must be a super majority of 60 senators to bring a bill to the Senate floor. It happens when the control of both houses of presidency and Congress is split between rival parties.
It prevents the government from enforcing arbitrary laws, US was founded by rebelling against the tyrannical rule of British Crown. The framers wanted a provision to prevent government from becoming tyrannical. Gridlock enforces the concept of limited government and protects the individual rights and liberties from government encroachment by passing arbitrary laws.