They protected early civilization from most invaders, is the correct answer. The Himalayas have been shielding India from outside invaders since the early occasions.
Private<span> </span>loans<span> are not funded or subsidized by the </span>federal<span> government; instead, they are funded by banks, credit unions, or </span>other<span> types of lenders. The bank or lender not the </span>federal<span> government sets interest rates, </span>loan<span> limits, terms, and conditions of </span>private<span> student </span><span>loans</span>
The Early Grand Princes of Kev did not become Roman Catholics. One of the Early Grand Princes of Kev known as Vladimir Sviatoslavich ( Vladimir the great ) was the first Prince to be become a Christian.
He was an Orthodox Christian i.e and Orthodox Catholic and not a Roman Catholic. He practised Byzantine Christianity.
As an Orthodox Christian or Catholic, they spoke Greek and the Priests were allowed to get married.
Circumstances such as sudden poverty, physical abuse (struck at least 3 times by their husband), overall neglect (husband is lazy), dishonor brought upon the woman's family, or if their husband settled in a new country and neglected to go to bed with them for 3 years. (source:
(other source:
These were some of the answers based on information online, but your teacher may be expecting other ones. In general, neglect or maltreatment/abuse would be grounds for a divorce.