Montag gets on the subway and starts reading the Bible, because he wants to memorize some lines from it. However, he is being constantly distracted and interrupted by an advertisement for Denham's Dentrifice toothpaste, as its jingle is played over and over again on the subway. He gets really mad because of it and starts screaming and yelling, before he leaves at the next stop.
The main style difference between “Roses” and "Night" is that A. "Roses" uses iambic pentameter.
This means that each line has 10 syllables (1 meter = 2 syllables) and that the first syllable is unstressed, whereas the second one is stressed.
I tried to put you're user and it said no rude words
Hug, High-Five, Pointing, Hand-Holding, and Hand-Shake
Hug: Is meant to show love to one another
High-Five: A gesture used when one is happy and showing the happienss by physical contact
Pointing: Often thought as to be rude showing that you are looking at a person or talking about a person or trying to put someones attention somewhere else
Hand-Holding: Used for leading someone or giving comfort
Hand-Shake: Used often for agreements and deals or a sign of frendship