Select the sentence that is complete and properly punctuated. A. In inner-city ghettos and war-torn areas of the world, many
children live in the midst of chaos and violence as a result of their harsh living conditions, these children may suffer severe anxieties. B. In inner-city ghettos and war-torn areas of the world, many children live in the midst of chaos and violence, as a result of their harsh living conditions; these children may suffer severe anxieties. C. In inner-city ghettos and war-torn areas of the world, many children live in the midst of chaos and violence, as a result of their harsh living conditions, these children may suffer severe anxieties. D. In inner-city ghettos and war-torn areas of the world, many children live in the midst of chaos and violence; as a result of their harsh living conditions, these children may suffer severe anxieties.
D - In inner-city ghettos and warn-torn areans of the world, many children live in the midst of chaos and violence; as a result of their harsh living conditions, these childrend may suffer severe anxieties.
The semicolon (;) is used to join the two ideas in the then sentence - children live in chaos and they have severe anxieties.
The sentence that is complete and properly punctuated is sentence D.
The sentence above illustrates the correct use of the semicolon. You should use a semicolon between two independent clauses linked by a transitional expression. An independent clause is a sentence that represents a complete thought and therefore can stand alone as a sentence (see 1 and 2).
In D, the transitional expression is "as a result". Then, a comma follows this phrase as it functions as the introduction to the rest of the second clause (2).
1) Many children live in the midst of chaos and violence
There is too much conflicts, eveyone is all of a sudden scared of each other. They say it only affect older people and people with respiratory problems, so how does an healthy 36 year old person die from it.