Near the end of the Ming Dynasty in 1616, Manchurian forces from northeastern Asia defeated the Ming army and occupied several cities on China's northern border. A full-scale invasion followed. China was defeated in 1644, with Emperor Shunzhi establishing the Qing Dynasty
Crocodiles are more closely related to amphibians. Ray-finned fish evolved before sharks.
Because the Ohio River flowed westward, it became a convenient means of westward movement by pioneers traveling from western Pennsylvania.
“Como seres humanos tenemos la capacidad de comunicarnos constantemente, incluso sin pronunciar palabra alguna podemos transmitir lo que pensamos y sentimos. Esto es muy importante ya que el lenguaje corporal es un medio de comunicación y en ella se refleja la identidad de cada persona.”
B. Nebuchadnezzar built or restored temples and huge royal palaces.
D. It had a busy harbor on the banks of the Euphrates River