Forming a compound subject
A compound subject refers to a sentence that talks about two or more subjects. The two subjects are combined with a conjunction such as (and, or, neither).
By forming a compound subject the two sentences:"snowshoeing is a popular activity in grand lake. snowmobiling is also a popular activity in grand lake" can be combined into one sentence as follows:
"Snowshoeing and snowmobiling are popular activities in grand land"
This new sentence now contains a compound subject (both snowshoeing and snowmobiling) which is separated by the conjunction "and".
It means that earth is the home of all living beings without earth there is no place for living creature.
This statement says that say not to pollute environment which effect the Ozone
layer. We shouldn't cut tress. Habit of planting trees creates earth beauty
It is a matter of individual will power and the ability to fight against the odds.
While the way one person responds to adversary conditions has a lot to do with their situation of privilege against the adversary, it also has to do with the way they are conditioned as people.
Some people react better to such conflicts because they are either used to facing such high pressure situations or have mental fortitude for it.
It is also to be considered however that different things affect people differently and there is no way of knowing how one would react to such situation when it comes to it.
There are struggles along the way