Beowulf was written down in England between the 7th and 10th centuries by Christian monks; however it was created in oral tradition long before that. Though it's written in Anglo-Saxon or Old English, the culture it depicts is that of Denmark and southern Sweden.
Usually employers will look at experience. If one candidate has more expereince than the other, they may be more likely to get offered the job. In addition to experience, schooling can play a big role depending on the job. It helps to have a good education or a specific set of skills that would help with a given job. During an interview, body language and attitude are crucial. If someone is kind and possesses quality social skills, while another person is quiet and hesitant to speak, the person who is more welcoming will have more of a positive impact on the interviewer.
I heard of cartmen demanding one hundred and fifty dollars (in hand, of course) for carrying a single load. This is the correct one!
The second ritornello different from the first because It uses only the second tune of the opening ritornello