Georgia's settlement and is a remarkable document based on its provisions for the colonists. Georgia was founded for three primary reasons: philanthropy, economics, and defense.
They promised tax cuts for small businesses, social security reform and more limit on the term of lawmakers.
The Contract with America was a plan established by the Republican party in 1994, during the presidential election. In this plan, Republicans made a series of promises that would be fulfilled if the Republican candidate won the election. For Republicans, these promises would bring about highly beneficial changes for America and strengthen accountability between Republicans and voters. Among the many promises, the most promising were lowering taxes for small businesses, creating limits for legislators, and reforming social security.
Espero que te ayude!
Pedro Juan Caballero, Dr. José Gaspar Rodriguez de Francia, Mariano Antonio Molas, Fulgencio Yegros, Vicebte Ignacio Iturbe, y otros.
I believe it's B.
You'll see in the history books how unfair the British treated the colonists.