Sound wave is a pressure caused by the vibration of something in a medium that transfers anergy, like air.
Oceanic water have latent heat or special heat capacity.
- As oceans cover nearly 71% of the earth's surface and help in regulating the climate and weather patterns around places. They have specific heat and contain salt contents.
- They trap and absorb the carbon dioxide and thus are called carbon sinks. They take up a large amount of solar energy and heat slowly as compared to the land surfaces.
Ferromagnesian vs. non-ferromagnesian
------------------------------- ----------------------------
1-Contains Magnesium and Iron 1- Contains little or no Magnesium &
as major components Iron
2- Color: very dark 2- Color: Generally lighter
3- Density relatively high 3- Density relatively low
download Socratic and all you do is take a picture of the question and it gives the answer to you
inner planets are all terrestrial because They are similar to the earth. Not relative to the outer planets
Hope it helps :)