Eruption with low silica tends to be nonexplosive. The type of lava is Basaltic, flows easily because of low viscosity (low gas content- originates in the mantle). This type of lava comes from shield volcanoes (low angle slopes and gentle)- eg. Manua Loa Volcano and Hawaii.
A host to feed off of, the right temperatures, basically the right living conditions for that type of bacteria. Most of the time it depends on the type of bacteria.
A. Swahilli
Explanation: Swahili developed as a common coastal language as early as the thirteenth century and has been greatly influenced by Arabic. It easily incorporates foreign words (primarily from Arabic, Hindi, Persian, and English) and consequently has been considered the most flexible of all languages in East Africa.
That's the answer thank you and your welcome
Setting up the seasons. The direction of Earth's revolution is in the direction of its rotation. Because the path around the sun is not circular, we are closer to the sun at certain time of the year.