Distance can feel larger or smaller because of cultural similarity, transportation connectivity, telecommunications, and so on.
The biosphere is influenced by other spheres and also influences other spheres.
The biosphere comes into contact with several other spheres such as the hydrosphere, the lithosphere, and the atmosphere.
Contact with the atmosphere is a two way street since the biosphere can alter the composition of the atmosphere. However, many members of the biosphere like mammals and birds depend on the mix of gases in the atmosphere to survive, and weather is an important agent of change.
The lithosphere is another sphere that can impact the biosphere through geologic activity both underground and on the surface. The impact of the biosphere on the lithosphere can be observed through the altering and transformation of terrains and through biochemical weathering of rocks.
The equator is latitude and the Prime Meridian is longitude
3. Jamestown and slide mountain are the two major
After reaching North America, humans migrated to South America.