Uhm why are you giving away your points?
if no one tried to think critically, then everyone would be in a tizzy. critical thinking is logical and comes from an analytical perspective, and if this form of thought was gone, we would be left with emotional thinking. with emotional thinking, people will act on how they feel, rather than a logical explanation. the world would go crazy and be a mess of emotional beings who let their feelings get in the way of logic.
HE meant if freedom is for America then why isnt a black man? A African American is in apart of America than why isnt he free like the rest?
he originally gave the speech to the Ladies' Anti-Slavery Society in Rochester, New York
here is a summary of the speech:
<span>While still a young slave in Maryland, Frederick Douglass taught
himself to read, whereupon he discovered that he was as capable of
thinking and reasoning as any free man, and therefore ought to be free.
Upon making good his escape to New York, Douglass earned wide renown as
an outspoken and eloquent critic of the institution of slavery. In this
speech before a sizeable audience of New York abolitionists, Douglass
reminds them that the Fourth of July, though a day of celebration for
white Americans, was still a day of mourning for slaves and former
slaves like himself, because they were reminded of the unfulfilled
promise of equal liberty for all in the Declaration of Independence. </span>
here is the full speech : sorry i have to leave it in the comments since it wont let me here
<span>provoke the lion that’s dangerous to touch,
</span>the fragile boat: often careless Jupiter
<span>Yet death chases after the soldier who runs,
</span>Virtue, that opens the heavens for those who
<span>Yet death chases after the soldier who runs</span>
and the bloodied earth, on ascending wings.
Tone: Honest and slightly harsh.
Audience: The kids at school learning about war.
Purpose: To show the genuine and harsh truth about war