<span>Personal pronouns are pronouns that refer to a person. 1st person refers to myself, 2nd person refers to you, and 3rd person is about someone else
7. We decided to take our vacations together.
We, Our, 1st person
8. They took theirs at a later time last year, but this year they will take it earlier.
They, theirs, they, all third person
9. I took mine quite early last year, but that can be changed, too.
I, mine, 1st person
10. Your vacation was shorter than you intended.
Your, you, 2nd person
11. Do you think it could be a little longer this year?
you, 2nd person
12. Between you and me, the friends were not sure they liked it, but they agreed to take a vote anyhow.
you- second person
me- first person
they- 3rd person
13. We gave them paper and a pencil, and each wrote down her suggestion and gave her reason for it.
We- 1st person
them- 3rd person
her- 3rd person
14. Each friend read her own suggestion.
her- 3rd person
15. I don’t know how it happened, but they both had the same idea, and now we are going backpacking in the nearest mountains.
I- 1st person
they- third person
we- 1st person</span>
1. In Carlos Solórzano's 'Crossroads: A Sad Vaudeville', the woman is scared to lift her veil because she has tricked a man into believing that it is a far younger version of herself who he is coming to meet. When she eventually lifts her veil, the man refuses to believe it could be the same woman.
2. The voice the man thinks he will recognize is the one he truly loves. It indicates that the man doesn't really care for the woman he is waiting for.
Please mark brainliest if possible c:
An author will give a reader more information about a character by explaining social status. Here the reader will get to know the character. The information is mostly written at the summary of the article. Here it explains shortly about the character behavior doing and all others matter concerning the character.
Persecuting a person because of their belief system can physically injure or cause pain to someone.
To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel by Harper Lee published in 1960. In this book, Hitler subjected the Jews to hostility and I'll treatments because of their belief system.
So, it's strange when Miss Gates says says American's do not persecute.
In fact, Tom Robinson who was a black man accused of raping Mayella Ewells, a white woman was openly persecuted because of the color of his skin, even when it's clear that he was innocent. He even died while in jail.