True: Image result for adolf hitler an artist
In his autobiography Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler described how, in his youth, he wanted to become a professional artist, but his aspirations were ruined because he failed the entrance exam of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Hitler was rejected twice by the institute, once in 1907 and again in 1908.
1. People in the USSR lacked the freedom of political expression that the people of the United States possessed because of government censorship.
2. While the USSR did allow individuals to possess private property, they were limited and could not own real estate like the people of the United States.
3. People in the USSR did not have freedom of religion and the government heavily imposed Marxist–Leninist atheism on its people.
<u>not superpowers, but he had powers</u>
Tomochichi, chief of the Yamacraw Indians, remains a prominent character of early Georgia Tomochichi history. As the principal mediator between the native population and the new English settlers during the first years of settlement, he contributed much to the establishment of peaceful relations between the two groups and to the ultimate success of Georgia
Little is known about the youth of this warrior and chieftain because of the absence of accurate documentation. Presumably, he was Creek and participated in their early activities with Englishmen in South Carolina, both peaceful and hostile.
This campaign started as a movement in 1963 led by Southern Christian Leadership Conference. It began when Martin Luther King Jr. told reporters that that there was an agreement with Birmingham in 90 days time.